Novice Blogger and Cook. Follow along my trials and tribulations of both new and exciting worlds.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Everything taste better with Bacon!

DOES everything taste better with Bacon!


As a child, I can honestly say that I don't remember eating Brussels Sprouts.  The earliest I can remember trying these bite size treats was a late teenager or maybe even in my early twenties.

And from what I can recall, I was not a fan.

However, later in life, meaning late twenties, I had them at my mentor's home for Christmas one year and I loved them.  I think I ate the whole pan.

After that experience, I decided to give Brussels Sprouts a chance.  So, I started making them for myself.  I also realized that they tasted amazing because they were cooked with bacon.  And as the saying says, "Everything taste better with Bacon!"

My Brussels Sprouts are roasted in my tiny oven to perfection.   Mixed with some olive oil, sea salt, garlic, onion, and pepper, I let them roast in the over for a while.  Meanwhile, I'm cooking the bacon on my stove top and pouring the excess grease over my sprout mixture in the oven.  Once I finish my bacon, I chop the meat and layer it into the cooking pan with the sprouts and let all of them cook for a while longer.

When completed, I remove from the oven and devour!

I shall never shy from a sprout again.

Quick note:  As you may notice, I style and photograph my images I post on this blog.  I'm a stylist by day and a secret chef in my humble apartment at night.  Going forward, I will try to layer in some styling points from time to time as well as lists where I buy my great finds!

Bowls were from Target.  They have such fun colors that make cooking very colorful and fun.   The pattern black and blue mat is from my very special other half.   He picked it up for me in Africa.  

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