Novice Blogger and Cook. Follow along my trials and tribulations of both new and exciting worlds.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Feeling Corny?

Summer has finally arrived!

After many weeks and weeks of Winter here in New York, I gladly welcome Summer's warm presence.

So in order to honor Summer, I decided to make a refreshing corn salad.

This salad is pretty simple.  I adapted this recipe from a book I got this past winter.  You can also adapt the salad to your own personal taste.

Core ingredients are bell peppers, red onions, cilantro, jalapeños, limes, sea salt, olive oil, pepper, and of course...corn.

Once you shuck the corn and clean it, you can remove the kernels from the cob.  Not sure if all those words make sense in that sentence, but I am will go with that unless you know the correct terminology.  And if you do, please leave a comment and let me know.

Chop the rest of your vegetables and mix into the corn.  When using your jalapeños, make sure you remove the seeds and the membrane from the jalapeño and chop finely.  Pour in some olive oil and use a pinch of sea salt and pepper.  Mix everything together.  Once mixed, squeeze 2 or 3 limes, releasing their juices onto the mixture.

If you're feeling adventurous, then I recommend you add a Roasted red bell pepper.  To do so, grab your cleaned red pepper and wrap it in foil.  Once wrapped, place your pepper on top the grill, or if you live in a cozy apartment like I do, then you can turn on your gas stove and sit the pepper on top of the burner.  Just keep an eye on it.  On my first attempt of roasting a bell pepper, I sort set the pepper on fire and had to start all over again.  Not to mention that my smoke alarm went of multiple times.  However, that's usually the case when I cook at home.

When your pepper is nice and roasted, roughly 15-20 mins, remove it from the stove top.  Open the foil and you should have some great charred marks on the pepper.  Coarsely chop the pepper and add to your bowl of vegetables.

Mix all the ingredients together and serve!

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