Novice Blogger and Cook. Follow along my trials and tribulations of both new and exciting worlds.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

First Entry!

Hi World!

This is my first entry as a blogger.

I must be honest, this isn't my first attempt at blogging.  Blogging?  That's the correct usage, right?  I've tried and failed at several blog ideas.

I had a blog about my styling for clients...I had one about a home decor concept I was working on...a blog about what inspires me...basically, they all kind of fizzled.  So, I decided to try my had at documenting my cooking.

And since I eat daily (more than the recommended 3 times), I figured I just basically share the things I create.

This blog will document my food journey.  I'm not really on a quest of sorts.  It's more like images of my cooking.

Basically, I have realized that I am a 31 year old, going on 32, adult with no hobbies.

Well, no hobbies until recently!  Now, I have discovered cooking.  Well, more like decided to cook more often.

This whatever you may call it, will serve as my platform for showing the internet viewers, such as yourself, what I have made in my tiny kitchen which is located in my cute 1 bedroom apartment in Manhattan.

As this being my first entry, I decided to leave a few images of what I prepared today.

One of my new favorite things to make and eat....Brussels Sprouts!

See you all soon!

(Note to self: I must think of a catchy tagline to end my posts.)

Stay tuned....

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