Novice Blogger and Cook. Follow along my trials and tribulations of both new and exciting worlds.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Everything taste better with Bacon!

DOES everything taste better with Bacon!


As a child, I can honestly say that I don't remember eating Brussels Sprouts.  The earliest I can remember trying these bite size treats was a late teenager or maybe even in my early twenties.

And from what I can recall, I was not a fan.

However, later in life, meaning late twenties, I had them at my mentor's home for Christmas one year and I loved them.  I think I ate the whole pan.

After that experience, I decided to give Brussels Sprouts a chance.  So, I started making them for myself.  I also realized that they tasted amazing because they were cooked with bacon.  And as the saying says, "Everything taste better with Bacon!"

My Brussels Sprouts are roasted in my tiny oven to perfection.   Mixed with some olive oil, sea salt, garlic, onion, and pepper, I let them roast in the over for a while.  Meanwhile, I'm cooking the bacon on my stove top and pouring the excess grease over my sprout mixture in the oven.  Once I finish my bacon, I chop the meat and layer it into the cooking pan with the sprouts and let all of them cook for a while longer.

When completed, I remove from the oven and devour!

I shall never shy from a sprout again.

Quick note:  As you may notice, I style and photograph my images I post on this blog.  I'm a stylist by day and a secret chef in my humble apartment at night.  Going forward, I will try to layer in some styling points from time to time as well as lists where I buy my great finds!

Bowls were from Target.  They have such fun colors that make cooking very colorful and fun.   The pattern black and blue mat is from my very special other half.   He picked it up for me in Africa.  

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Artichokes: Blast from the Past!

My grandmother, or as I lovingly referred to as Nana, used to make Artichokes for dinner.  It was one of my favorite things on her menu.  So when I was in the market the other day, I ran across some fresh Artichokes and thought fondly of those dinners we used to have in our humble home in Hawaii.

My grandmother's method was quite simple.  She basically steamed the Artichokes in a some salted water and served.  I remember dipping it into a glob of Mayo.  At that age, I pretty much dipped everything and anything into mayonnaise.

So in memory of my Nana, I attempted to make some Artichokes for dinner last night.

My process was a bit different.  After, reading a few recipes on the internet, I decided on following one I found on the food network.

Basically, I steamed the Artichokes in a blend of lemons, parsley, bay leaves, salt, pepper, white wine, garlic and Chicken broth.  I brought it all to a simmer and then layer my artichokes in bottom up.  Once placed in the pot, I covered everything and let simmer for roughly 30-40 minutes.

Once the artichokes stalks were tender, I removed them from the broth and served.

Unfortunately, I didn't have mayonnaise in the house, but however, I do have to admit, they were pretty tasty without it.

My Nana was very special and dear to my heart and making these brought some happiness to my night.  I look forward to making some of my other Nana's favorites in the future.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saturday Night Dates!

Tonight, I decided to make Goat Cheese filled Bacon Wrapped Dates.

I love eating these at Tapas restaurants and realized that I could attempt to make these myself.  So, in an effort to learn how to make these yummy bites, I scoured the internet for some assistance.

These yummy dates are sliced in half, pitted and then filled with creamy Goat cheese.  After I filled the dates, I placed them back together and drizzled them in honey.  Once drizzled in honey, I rolled them in bacon and sprinkled them with oil, sea salt and pepper.

I threw them in the oven for a while... (Please note: my oven is very old and the numbers wore off, so I just guess what the temperature is and hope for the best.)

After they baked for a while, I let them cool on my stovetop and well...Devoured them!

This is a must for those who are entertaining!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Garlic Mashed Potatoes: 1st Attempt

Last night, I tried my hands at Garlic Mashed Potatoes.

After doing a little research online, I decided to throw in a little Parmesan cheese, or what some may refer to as Parmigiano-Reggiano.  Well, that's what I think people in the culinary world may refer to it as.  However, I don't claim to be an expert on food, so please excuse my incorrect facts.

If you know the correct term, please feel free to let me know.  I'm always happy to learn.  Hence, my food blog exploration.

Back to my Mashed Potatoes.  I think I did a pretty good job at them.

Basically I used some small red potatoes, heavy cream, garlic, sea salt, and a lot of Parmesan or Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.

After tasting the first batch, I realized that I could have layered in a bit more garlic and added some more butter to richen the flavor.

All in all, I think I did a pretty good job.

In the future, I will need to make a few adjustments, but I think I'm on the right track.

What do you think?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

First Entry!

Hi World!

This is my first entry as a blogger.

I must be honest, this isn't my first attempt at blogging.  Blogging?  That's the correct usage, right?  I've tried and failed at several blog ideas.

I had a blog about my styling for clients...I had one about a home decor concept I was working on...a blog about what inspires me...basically, they all kind of fizzled.  So, I decided to try my had at documenting my cooking.

And since I eat daily (more than the recommended 3 times), I figured I just basically share the things I create.

This blog will document my food journey.  I'm not really on a quest of sorts.  It's more like images of my cooking.

Basically, I have realized that I am a 31 year old, going on 32, adult with no hobbies.

Well, no hobbies until recently!  Now, I have discovered cooking.  Well, more like decided to cook more often.

This whatever you may call it, will serve as my platform for showing the internet viewers, such as yourself, what I have made in my tiny kitchen which is located in my cute 1 bedroom apartment in Manhattan.

As this being my first entry, I decided to leave a few images of what I prepared today.

One of my new favorite things to make and eat....Brussels Sprouts!

See you all soon!

(Note to self: I must think of a catchy tagline to end my posts.)

Stay tuned....