Novice Blogger and Cook. Follow along my trials and tribulations of both new and exciting worlds.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

To Tartare an Avocado or not to Tartare an Avocado?

That is the question.

Why not tartare an Avocado?  I have to admit that I thought Tartare was only tuna.  Seriously.  Who knew that tartare meant a coarsely or fine chopped, high-quality protein that is finely seasoned, that is often served raw.  I didn't.  

Today, our protein of choice is avocado.  

The ingenious people at Food and Wine magazine provided me with this delightfully, fulfilling dish.

The ingredients are simple: Avocados (a must!), red onions, capers, jalapeños, lemons, olive oil, dijon mustard, sea salt, pepper, parsley, and worcestershire sauce.  As usual, I recommend catering this recipe to your particular palate.  

Start by chopping up your avocados.  Once chopped, place into a bowl and set aside while you work on the other ingredients.

Then, finely chop your red onions, mince your jalapeños (remove the membrane and seeds),  and tear or chop your parsley.  Add these component to a separate bowl, and add some olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.  Finally mix in your capers, add the worcestershire sauce, and a little of the dijon mustard.  

Combine your two bowls of ingredients.  It's that simple!

Slowly fold the avocados into the mixture.  Make sure to coat all your avocados so that they are seasoned by the juices of your mix.  Your final product should be rich in color and full of flavor.  

Make sure you buy some fresh, baked bread at your local Wholefoods or Farmer's market.  Lightly coat them with olive oil and a pinch of sea salt.  Toast them in your oven for a bit so they are crisp and have a nice golden color.

Scoop your Tartare on to a plate and add a little dijon mustard to the top for presentation.  

I doubt that your plate will look pretty for long.  You will instantly grab your toasted bread and start demolishing your plate.  

This is a great dish to have at a party and it will get the guest talking.  I'm willingly to bet that most people haven't heard of an Avocado Tartare.  I didn't.

If you're reading this...anyone...let me know what else you have tried to tartare?  

Add it to the comments section below or you can send me an e-mail at

I would like to try a few of them and post them here on

Till we meet again.

Bowls and plates from West Elm.

Linen from Frette.

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